Advantage of buying the Easter set

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Yesterday, I saw my bit friends here wearing those cute bunny headgear and a basket of colorful eggs. So I checked the shop immediately glad I still have stocks of gems so I was able to buy those. What makes us more happy is the bonus points which is +25 that gave a boost to our buzz scores. So I took advantage because it's also 5 days having a high revenue. Then after that back to my normal score again. 

So as of now I will enjoy it and try to spend the revenue wisely. 

Last night, my revenue has doubled my revenue the other day. Yey!!!!!!





I just miss having revenues like this. Although I got higher before specially on the month of February. Because the items in the shop were still very low that I was able to buy 13 same items in one day just to maintain my direct  power ups.  I wish I can have revenue like what I got before.


This is my Highest Revenue I got here


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