Some important advantages of internet are as follows:
1. Information search:
Internet contains information on all types of topic.People can search information on any topic.Search engines are used to search information on internet.
2. Email:
Email is an inexpensive and fast way of communication . It is used to send messages, pictures and files from one part of the world to another part.
3. E-Commerce
E-Commerce means to carry out financial and business dealing using internet.Aperson can deal with his customers throughout the world.
4.Online Results:
Internet provides the facility to display results of students on websites.Many colleges and universities provides online result.
5. Online Shopping:
People can buy and sell good on internet . Even payments can be made using credit cards numbers etc.
6. Fast Communication:
Internet is a way of fast communication.People can communicate with one another in less time from any part of the world.
7. Job Search:
Internet is used to search different types of jobs all over the world . Many websites are developed that provide information to the people about job vacancies.
8. Entertainment :
Internet provides alot of entertainment to the people.The users can play online games, listen songs , watch movies and live matches etc.
Disadvantages of internet:
Hacking is one of the most important disadvantages of internet.The hackers access the data stored on computers across internet.
2. Immorality:
Ineternet contains a large number of immoral websites.These website scontain such meterial that is against the moral values of our society.
3. Security problems:
There is alot of security problems. so We can say that it is upto the user of the inetrnet that he or she uses it in a good manner or not.