Solar energy now – a-days a buzzword in this world, so the advantages of solar energy has a bigger description . When we thinking about advantages of solar energy in this polluted world, we turn back for it does not emit any ingredients which is harmful for man as well as any living organs. the advantages of solar energy are given below:
- Solar power works in a low-emission of energy. So there is no possibility Solar producing pollution. In a recent survey we came to know that about 21.13 billion metric ton carbon dioxide gas release which facing our normal existence by the burning of fossil fuels. So the advantages of solar energy is great.
- Solar cells have no moving apparatus .Also in a solar panel there is not weighty devices rather than it need a thicker apparatus .Since it is easy to implement and its design, so the advantages of solar energy is beggar one than other power sources.
- The advantages of solar energy is that solar energy is more reliable than others. Now a days people’s voice are raising in favor of solar energy .Solar energy takes trust of people .Even low laying countries are using solar energy as they suffer more about power with compared to developed countries .
- Since the cost is low, it is possible to rebuild solar panel in case of natural disaster or calamities. The natural disaster affected area using solar energy more because it is not so harmful in the cyclone, tornedo ,floods etc. So the advantages of solar energy is great.
- In many developing countries import power from the riches one which has a bad effect in countries development. The advantages of solar energy has a great impact in this case. Solar power reduce foreign energy expenditures. In many countries developed or not are suffering for power which is oil a large percentage of earnings is used to pay for imported it for power generation. For example: The USA alone spends $13 million per hour on oil, which comes from Persian Gulf nations .For this the advantages of solar energy is more than others.
- For the solar energy providing company it is subjected to a very few rules and regulations so the advantages of solar energy is great for them. Solar power faces a few government tax. For example in U.S.A. subsidies credit up to 30% of system costs, and each state offers its own incentives. Also it is easy to take loan from capital markets against solar energy, so the advantages of solar energy is more who occupied earnings with solar energy business.