Adventures of FourFingers!

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Adventures of FourFingers!

We at FourFingers have been keeping very busy these past couple of weeks and we’re progressing nicely in our new city!

But lets go back to the beginning, who the hell are FourFingers??

We are four creative beans with a varied background in filmmaking and commercials who have decided to fuse interests, ambition and curiosities into an ever-growing innovative beanstalk!

Our individual WebTVs have helped to generate further interest in our work as well as revenue, which has now given us the motivation we need to turn our ambitions into a future possibility.

After several nights of scratching our heads, staring thoughtfully into space and daydreaming about our possible future, we have now started to pump a little life into the foundations of FourFingers.

Already we have started to make contact with local businesses in Manchester where our skills and interests can be utilised and we are now in development of two client-based short films, which is an amazing achievement in our early stages.

And to add to the excitement, we’ve even managed to bargain a free office space!!

Keep following folks! Some new material coming up very soon! 

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