“Afghan Citadel Software Company” is dedicated to women and to empower Afghan women. Now, this company is activating in Herat, Afghanistan in order to empower both women and young girls.
This company has facilitated girls’ schools with computer and internet classes. In addition, this company teaches them how to create social networks accounts, such as Face book, Twitter, and you tube.
Then, they teach them how to create blogs and how to use and write blogs.
Elaha Mahboob who is the coordinator of the Afghan Citadel Software Company in Herat says that there are about ten schools with thousands of students equipped with internet computer classes.
According to Ms. Mahboob’s blogs on Film Annex, “Those girls who have got Film Annex accounts, they receive revenues as well per month.”
This is a successful act that Afghan Citadel Software Company by cooperation of Film Annex has taken. By this way, they both increase the number of educated girls and help those who need money to pay for school stationary.