After the fall of Taliban, Afghanistan had neither Police nor Army. When International Community came to Afghanistan, they helped Afghans have both democracy and security forces.
Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (AFP) are equipped with sophisticated NATO weoponery. Now, they deliver more than 80% of security to different parts of Afghanistan. Afghan security forces are supposed to hold the responsibility of Afghan security across the country by 2014. Besides, Afghan people are happy with Afghan forces and the way they do their job. As Afghan forces are going to under take Afghan security, Afghan people are hopeful of having a better future following 2014.
There are more than 20,000 troops serving in Afghanistan, and they will be increased more than this by cooperation of the United States of America and International Community.
International Community have committed that they will have a long-term support with Afghan forces, as well as they pay the expenses of Afghan Arny right now.