Afghanistan blog articles

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I am wondering how time changes signify in the Arab world and the world of the western society.I mean,the terrorism stuff and all scenario related implications have been influencing and shaping the world politics further more to the clash between two governments.I am  bored of listening the Afghanistan related articles and news in the past years.During the era of George bush,former president of the US,Afghanistan was the center of the terrorist world so that thousands of the top terrorists have chosen to fight war.Therefore,the external forces and the war has been demolishing the governments total economical,political,social and external relations developments.The previously working infrastructures and the backbone economic control institutions have already lost.Schools,health care organisations,social and community based relationships of the civilians have been out of the way.War is poverty,nothing good will be gained,eventhough the American has

 reported that hundreds of the terrrorist groups have killed.After all these long year war,the New Afghan government has come to power according to the election of the society.Many things were reported during the election process but the news and magazine heads were busy of reporting that the election has internally and externally executed rather the US and other western government influence was reflected.Whatever it is,I was very happy to see former station of war and terrorist 'habitat' country replaced with the new democratic governmental power.The question mainly rested  the ways that the new government will implement for the renaissance of the country to a new vision and carrying out the effective measures.I think the new government has tried to solve the deep rooted problem of the community as much as possible but as it is seen in any developing country,this government has faced difficulties in every corner of the path of the accomplishment struggle.Financial and skilled power of the country was very small and still  not sufficient nowadays.The external funds from the US and the western world was nice but a new public oriented effective strategic plan should be handled and implemented and more funds should be released for all of the lost infrastrucure and little services of the social interaction and participation toward the government policies and projects.

About the author


I am Hailemichael yihun,25, from Ethiopia.I have studied primary and secondary education in Ethiopian schools.Then I have joined local university in Ethiopia studying Civil engineering and now I am a graduated civil Engineer.I am a prolific writer,student and blogger.

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