Afghanistan Culture

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As per to my topic first of all I want to say about Afghanistan. Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country forming part of South Asia, Central Asia, and to some extent Western Asia. Afghanistan Culture is deferent in each provinces and nationality among the people. Such as Dress, Cooking, Funs, Singing song, Dance, language, Business and sporting. The people of Afghanistan have their own clothing and wear and extend some of the efforts that are thought to be recruited the Pashtun’s proactive because this is where the clothes you wear their national, but other people are not prejudiced in any medium, the medium has the same colors that are used. Pashtun people dress: Pashtun men shirt, breeches, limp, wear Chply and blankets. Wives shirt, wide trousers and wear Pyzar tent. But few Pashtuns who live in towns where the rest have maintained the uniform and are proud of it. Hazara people dress: Burke Hazara men wear hats and head of their wives shirt, trousers and have a tent. This rule is applicable only in the border areas. Once they are out of range, a change of clothes dand. Burke has dressed many of the areas north of Millenium does not completely change. Turkaman and Uzbak people dress: Shirt and breeches cells, pants and copper Chpn Qatmh and museums, but some changes were made to the youth of today do not wear copper. Northern Uzbeks were all affected clothing Chpn, Jylk and Gvbchh wear, Northern women wear it and this is a general rule. Turkmen women have a special dress. Hearat people dress: Herat people dress shirt, breeches, and the lag is Skt. China was very spacious and wear breeches. Women and girls in all parts of Afghanistan and playful floral dress, but the men wear a simple dress like it. Only occasionally playful kids clothing fad that it is very low. City people dress: Urban people are dressed to the social situation in the country which is Kabul is the capital of the country than there are in European clothes, men wear trouser basin, Women skirts and a few trouser, this form is common in most of the educated. All government agents dressed in all cities and even villages Suite (basin and trouser). However, non-government people who are self-employed, even in the cities wear their jackets. Afghanistan's provinces and regions are different in culture, dress cover and people of every province according to their tradition costumes with different designs that are often entirely different, one of the provinces where the costumes are designed with a certain attitude, in Paktia. Of clothes cover the city very different than the other provinces.

About the author


BBA graduated from Maryam University working as procurement specialist in procurement policy unite of MOF.

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