Sadaf is one the talented students in Qowaye Chahar school who is in 12th class. She is an active student and tries to change the world attitudes about Afghan girls by her hardworking in future.
What do you like the best about your school?
I love my hardworking teachers who try to provide a friendly atmosphere for us in classrooms and do lots of effort to make lectures as much as interesting for us. They give us this feeling which we are at home and understand that Afghan girls has many problems in the society, therefore they always give us advice and guidance in any cases.
What's your favorite subject?
I like history a lot, because it is more about our historical events, people life story. History is like a lesson which help you to learn from what others did before and which mistakes lead them to not be successful in their carrier and life.
What do you want to do/be when you're older?
Actually I have not decided yet what to select as my major to study at university, I like all subjects and fields the same, but the most important thing is that I do not want to stay at home with no job. I like to be an active person in future and help my community specially women who are forgotten in Afghanistan society.
What do you think about the Internet classroom Film Annex built at your school?
It is a very great step that Film Annex has taken for schools in Afghanistan, I really appreciate that.
As most Afghan school girls do not have access to computer and Internet at home specially in the remote areas like us, they can use this opportunity to search more about the subjects they like and find extra materials, beside that they will learn how to use computer for their daily works like preparing documents and presentations.
How much do you use the computer and what do you use it for?
I use computer frequently at home for study and also entertainment. But unfortunately it is not connected to Internet, however I must not be worry afterwards about Internet connection because we are going to have it in near future in our school.
Do you use social media? If so, what for?
Yes I use TV, read magazines and newspapers for extra studies.
If you could travel to a place outside of Afghanistan right now, where would it be?
I would like to go to USA and Germany, both are modern countries with a very good educational system. I like to continue my studies there.