Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s (DSK) alleged victim is a widow, a Muslim from the former French colony of Guinea, NY media and other sources have revealed. (Her name has been revealed in European press as first name "Nafissatou" - we will leave out surname in our Report. Above photo of Nafissatou has appeared in local press, but we have decided to blur identity). Could this have somehow influenced his laissez-faire attitude toward this hard-working hotel housekeeper?
It appears now certain that sex was involved in this incident. It could have thus been only consensual or forced. DSK though did not appear to be so much running away to a flight for France as just heading about his normal business. (I and the facts do not agree with the Judge’s assertion/conclusion in refusing bail that DSK was fleeing when he boarded his plane.) However, that may be even more damning in the long run in exposing DSK’s frame of reference, and perhaps indicting a whole psychology of exploitation that still persists in some European circles regarding people from “their” former colonies.
It appears that DSK may, (emphasizing may), have not believed he did anything wrong. Many Africans, whether living in their home countries or as immigrants in Europe, have been exploited in many forms. Rather than an empathy, some Europeans perceive these Africans as there to serve. Of course that may be the economic “reality,” but it goes beyond. "Sex workers" in many European countries are African women, men, and too frequently children. Of course, the term "worker" may be totally inappropriate as many of these exploited start as part of a human trade chain and are modern-day slaves. (“Sex tourism” is another story, and we probably do not have yet good statistics; however, it clearly seems to be the rich going to the home country of the poor to do what they may not be able to get away with at home, either in price, act or age of victim.)
He most likely did not even consider if the woman was HIV-AIDS positive! According to media reports, the victim lived in an apartment rented by an HIV-AIDS support group. That probably has little to do with what actually happened in the encounter, but my guess is that it does influence some readers about how they see the right and wrong. In my mind, it could only further indicate the woman’s total lack of premeditation.
DSK and the alleged victim should have been able to communicate, probably in French as well as English. Did DSK think that somehow this woman would/should be glad to have sex with any white European? Of course that attitude is not limited to old colonial times or just the French. It was a common rationalization as white slave owners raped African-Americans. Native Americans were abused all over the New World by Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French colonialists. Of course, we even have ample evidence of the disempowered being raped by Japanese soldiers during WWII. How about Arabs on "Africans" (Muslim and non-Muslim) in the Sudan. In other words, rape becomes another corollary of a sense of superiority over another human being rationalized by social circumstance or history, (lest we forget the “rape camps” in which Bosnian women were subjected to sexual abuse and enforced pregnancy). Even UN mandated "peacekeepers" have been documented by the UN's own investigation of taking advantage of their position for sexual exploitation.
I’m struck by how much of both condemnation and sympathy is purely funneled toward DSK. According to some purported polls, 60% of French believe that there was some conspiracy against DSK, even as it is difficult to see any evidence to support that this housekeeper was involved, regardless of the other influences affecting DSK's treatment now, My primary focus is on the alleged victim. It’s difficult for me to believe sex happened on the spur of passion. Did she get money – maybe he left his cell phone as payment!
Of course, DSK may have an exploitative attitude toward all women, but then did he all along calculate who he can get away with it - (an Eastern European subordinate at IMF is a former brief affair of the "great seducer" made public at the IMF)? Is there something in the race, perceived social and former colonial status of the country of origin as well as gender? DSK thought that he had probably just had a little fun and was on his way to business as usual in meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European establishment.
Perhaps before we so quickly condemn just one man, we should consider if his attitude is more indicative of a broader frame of mind. History indicates that sexual abuse has occurred most as an epidemic when there is a sense of power and superiority of one toward the other. The alleged victim showed the way by already testifying to a grand jury in NY, in the legal process toward indictment, and regaining a degree of self-empowerment. Maybe it is time we indict the attitude even as the prosecution of one man proceeds.
Related Reports:
"Sexual Violence-Civilians in Conflict" -
"Debi Nova-Stop Violence Against Girls/Women" -
By Susan Sacirbey
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