Agent Process

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          The agent seeking process is the same for all agents when searching for the first time. The first step is to go to the agent website. Read the information on the site carefully. All the important information is clear on the website. The information on the website will state the proper way to submit the manuscript, and the appropriate destination to send the manuscript.

          A fact all authors seeking an agent must accept is that some agents respond, and some agents do not respond. Some agents give details for denied manuscripts, other agents send a generic letter sent to all denied authors. An author shouldn’t become discouraged if an agent doesn’t seem to care, or have the time to show any attention to the submission. An agent’s callousness is not a reflection of the author’s talent, or the quality of the book.

          An agent’s lack of response is often not a result of rude behavior. It’s difficult to comprehend the massive amount of manuscript submissions sent to an agent daily. It’s literally next to impossible for an agent to work with new and current clients, while reading every submission, and responding to every author.  

          There are a couple sure ways to have a manuscript ignored, and that reality is for improperly formatted manuscripts, and submissions of the wrong genre for what the agent openly seeks. Those are the reasons all authors must read the agent website information before submitting a manuscript.

About the author


I publish books under the name Cobalt Foxx in ALL genres... I also offer book formatting services & publishing support...

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