Agriculture of Pakistan

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Agriculture of  Pakistan.

Every country has a vast land, which is used for agriculture. Pakistan is also an agricultural country. Its total area is 7, 96,096 square km. 70 percent of total population is living in the village. The major source of their living is agriculture. In, Pakistan the best area for agriculture is Punjab. Its soil is very fertile and its irrigation system is fine. It has 57 percent of total cultivated land .A variety of crops is cultivated in Pakistan.

There are different types of crops which are cultivated in Pakistan .In these crops main crops are rabbi crops, Kharif crops .

Rabbi crops are those crops which is cultivated before the beginning of winter season and harvested in summer.

And kharif crops are those crops which are grown at the beginning of summer and harvested in winter. In our country these crops have a great role in agriculture.

Agriculture is of immense importance for Pakistan. Agriculture increases the GDP of Pakistan. Economical development takes place when GDP of country increase.

Agriculture is the major source of employment in Pakistan. 43.61 % of total employment is provided by agriculture.

Major exports of Pakistan consist of agriculture. Major exports are wheat, rice, cotton etc

Agriculture helps the industries by providing raw materials to the industries. Cotton and sugarcane are the major raw materials for industries.


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