Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaderi, was the son of Allama Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan, who was the son of Allama Mawlana Raza Ali Khan, who was son of Allama Mawlana Mohammed Kaazim Ali Khan, who was the son of Allama Mawlana Shah Mohammed Azam Khan, who was the son of Allama Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan, who was the son of Allama Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan (radi Allahu anhum ajma'in).
The great forefathers of A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) migrated from Qandhar (Kabul) during the Mogul rule and settled in Lahore. Allama Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan, the first forefather of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhum), held a high government post when he arrived in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. His son, Allama Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan (alaihir rahmah), after gaining victory in the city of Ruhailah, was elected as the Governor of that city.
Allama Mawlana Hafiz Kaazim Ali Khan, the son of Mawlana Mohammed Azam Khan (radi Allahu anhum), was a Tax-collector in the city of Badayun. His son, Allama Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), the illustrious grandfather of A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah), did not serve in the Government. It was from this generation that the heads of the family began to adopt Tassawuf as their way of life.
We have included a very brief history of A'la Hadrat's (alaihir rahmah) father and grandfather.
HIS FATHER: A'la Hadrat's (alaihir rahmah) father, Hadrat Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), received his education at the hands of his father, Allama Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah). He wrote more than 50 books, among them, "Suroorul Quloob fi Zikri Mouloodul Mahboob", which received a very high distinctive position amongst Islamic literature. The treatise is characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally and externally. A'la Hadrat's (alaihir rahmah) father passed away in 1297 A.H. (1880) when he was 24 years old.
HIS GRANDFATHER: One of the greatest Sufis of his time, Allama Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah) was born in the year 1224 A.H. He was also a great warrior and fought with General Bakht Khan against English invaders in the year 1834. He received his early education at the hands of Molwi Khaleerur Rahman. At the age of 23, he had already completed his Islamic education, earning certificates of distinction in various fields of knowledge. He passed away in the month of Jamaadi-ul-Awwal in the year 1282 A.H. (1866). A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) was at this time only 10 years old.