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  1. lust for Islamic Revivalism.

There has been marked discrimination in the lifestyle of both the communities. They could not foster common values and integrative behavior, despite living together for over centuries. Both the nations are the repositories of distinct cultural legacy and historical tradition to which they have emotional attachment. Hence interaction between the two nations that stood for diametrically opposite goals of life had created so many problems which result in a continuous unrest in the subcontinent. To avert this situation, the Muslims demanded a separate homeland in which they could live a life according to their own faith.

  1. Promotion of National Language

Linguistic discrimination between both the communities also intensified the rift. Indian Muslims developed a symbolic emotional attachment for Urdu, Persian and Arabic languages as these were the repositories of their religious and cultural heritage. Whereas Hindus showed contemptuous attitude against Urdu, as it reminded them of the past days of the Muslim domination. Hindus tried to introduce Hindi throughout India as a substitute language, a step which was taken by the Muslims as an intrigue against Muslims civilization. It was, therefore in the interest of the promotion of Urdu that the Muslims should liberate themselves and create a new state where Urdu could performs its due role in national reconstruction.

  1. Emancipation of Economic Life.

Hindu mentality was visible, especially in the economic life. Poor Muslims peasant were in the firm grip of Hindu “Sahukars” who would not lend them money and thereby comparatively wealthier as they had monopolized commerce and trade while Muslims were living miserable life. The ratio of Muslims in the field progressive economic activity was comparatively very low. Hindu community excelled the Muslims in acquiring western education and therefore filled the jobs in government services while the Muslims were lagging behind. Hindu civil servants would not hesitate to damage Muslims interest whenever it was expedient for them. They would out rightly exercise nepotism and favoritism in favor Hindus. Demand for Pakistan was, no doubt inspired by economic factor as well, via, it was just to emancipate economic life of the Muslims.

About the author


Hey guys this is me Rana yusaI usually get frustrated to things as quick as i get attracted to 'em. I am affectionate, analytical, opinionated and self determined, realistict nd kind'a prcticle bo. I am not interested in talking to most people, perhaps that what makes those few unique individuals…

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