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"Let the battle begin..." Heathcliff called, he backed away two steps and then called out to the southern white spirit vampires. "Come forward southern white spirit vampires and ready yourselves to battle against spider." He spoke and looked down on Pisces once in between backing two more steps away from Pisces his enemy.

Pisces remained standing bold in the same spot, he was ready to fight and so were spider. We descended out of the trees like decorated, lighted rainfall and landed firm on our feet onto the ground; we stood with our legs and feet wide apart and our arms stretched out from our sides, we looked around and about us for signs of any of the southern white spirit vampires trying to sneak up on us, except they weren't, the southern white spirit vampires and their leader Heathcliff Krugar stood out across from us and glared spider Leader Pisces down like an army at war. This was war, a war to save ourselves and keep our independence. Their vampire eyes were red like the sun set. We were at war, at war with the southern white spirit vampires to save our country Nor Marie and spider from being ruled by vampires. Within minutes we were charging toward each other, spider against vampire, coming at the other filled with so much hatred, anger and violence. The southern white spirit vampires was determined to take over the underground country of Nor Marie and rule spider and spider was determined to stop them from doing so and destroy the southern white spirit vampires in war.

We leaped upon each other like wild animals in a jungle forest and screeching and screaming at each other out of anger and throwing each other back and forth across the open field in the forest and hissed creepily at each other like wild untamed cats. Our index spider fangs displaying heavily and suddenly spider and vampire were at each other's throat; the southern white spirit vampires pierced their fangs into spider's poison body and consumed spider NEUROTOXIC VENOM LATROTOXIN poison and drawed back away from spider, the poison took affect immediately. The southern white spirit vampires were outcome with terrible convulsions and outbreaks of sweat and their white pale skin turned pale-gray instantly, and they became slow so slow vampire were hardly moving it was like they were almost slowed down with age. Spider sink their index spider fang teeth into the southern white spirit vampires and administered more of their poison into their system causing them to be completely without movement or seeming to have any life in them at all. But the blood is life and powerful and the blood that already flowed through southern white spirit vampires veins kept them living and in the blink of an eye the southern white spirit vampires finger nails became like claws of a hawk and clawed spider's throat, slashing a deep cut across the throat of spider like a knife ripping open the throat of spider and a minute later a group of spiders lay dead at the southern white spirit vampires feet out on the battle field. Only a small group of spiders lost their lives to vampire in the second war.

Finally vampire succumb to the NEUROTOXIC VENOM LATROTOXIN poison from spider's bite. The southern white spirit vampires actions became like their body was shutting down and then spider staked them and removed the vampires head from their body. At last spider was victorious against the southern white spirit vampires. We left them lying dead upon the field and the bright sunlight set their bodies a blaze of red fire and only their crematory ashes remained, a pillow of old, dark-gray dust. The battle between spider and vampire was finished and spider resumed life inside underground Nor Marie again. All except for the fifty spiders and our creator and spider leader who sadly lost their lives at war. I survived the war against the southern white spirit vampires and nine thousand and nine hundred and fifty other spiders.

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