All eyes on me

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I am a plus size woman with confidence. When I go out, I like to be put together. My hair and makeup are done, and I like wearing something nice to match my mood. There was a time when I did not put any effort into the way I looked. I was extremely depressed about having gained too much weight. It was not until almost two years ago that I began to take care of myself again. I was tired of feeling and looking like hell. I began to make small changes, and it leads to a healthier and happier me. I am still a plus size woman. I am almost 70lbs smaller, but I still have work to do. The one thing that I have noticed is the way people look at me. I am accustomed to long stares from adults and children because of my size. It is incredibly hurtful to experience especially if I am at a restaurant. I was with my family out for dinner this weekend, and I had just finished taking some pictures for my blog. I wear heavier makeup when I take pictures because it shows up better on camera. When we walked into the restaurant, I immediately felt eyes on me. I looked up to find two women staring at me. I smiled and looked away. As we were seated, I noticed more heads turning. I leaned down and asked my daughter if my face or hair was messed up in some way. She reassured me I looked fine. I tried to relax, but I kept looking up and finding different people staring so hard they did not blink. One woman in particular was incredibly rude. She kept her eyes on me especially when I was eating. I finally got tired of smiling and being nice. I looked straight at her and mouthed very clearly without using voice “What the Fuck Are You Looking at Bitch?” The only reason I did not actually say it out loud was because the children were there. Her eyes almost popped out of her head, but she quickly look down. Her stare was especially irritating because she was making an expression of disgust while she looked at me. I might be a plus size woman, but I am not a circus freak to be stared at while I eat dinner. If you see someone who gets your attention because you like something she is wearing, you should approach with a compliment instead of stare. If someone is doing or wearing something you think is unattractive, look away. There is no reason to stare. It is hurtful and in my world it is worthy of a good old fashion battle of words. The rude woman did not look at me again that night. She left without incident. I was able to enjoy the rest of my dinner. As I stood to leave, I made sure my head was up and my shoulders were back. I am a plus size woman. I love food. I like to eat out with my family. If other people are uncomfortable about my size, it is not my problem. I think it says a great deal about something that is wrong within them. I realize there will always be a certain amount of eyes on me because of my size, but I am shrinking. I am making healthy choices because I am on a journey to better health. I cannot allow other people’s insecurities affect me. Having all eyes on me is an uncomfortable feeling because of past issues. Making parts of my life public via blog has forced me to let go of my own insecurities. They are not permanently gone. Insecurities will always be there, but they will not dictate my life. I know many of you have had to deal with people staring and watching you eat. The next time it happens do something about it. You cannot allow people to treat you as less than a human with emotions, and remember you are beautiful regardless of your size. Fat and fabulous in Texas is my world. You will see me on point and smiling. I will not fail because I was born to succeed in all that I do. Take your power back from hateful judgmental people. Let your beauty shine and never forget your strength. 

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