Amazing facts about Raven

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Amazing facts about Raven

Raven is one of the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom. Raven’s intelligence rates up with dolphins and chimpanzees. In one logic test, the raven had to pull the string with the help of his claw to get the tied food. Many passed in just first try and many took just 30 sec to get to the food. In the forest, they often push stone on human to keep them away from climbing to their nests and stolen fish from fisherman's net. Often acted dead beside a beaver and carcass to scare away other ravens from a delicious food to have alone.

If a raven knows that the other raven is watching while hiding his food. He pretends to keep somewhere while he actually hides somewhere else. As all ravens are smart so, this doesn’t work every time. When they are kept as captive they copy and learn the sound of the toilet flush, car horn, they even mimic and sometimes imitate better than parrots. They have been imitating the wolf and the fox. When the wolf or the fox is done with its eating its prey, raven can have the rest.

Europeans always disguised raven and saw it as a bad sign and wicked. Whenever they saw raven, thought it to be the wicked soul of a bad priest or Satan himself. Chinese said raven caused bad weather. People from Tibet to Greece believe raven to be the messenger of God. Raven is mischievous in nature and extremely playful. They roll down the snow hills and love anting. Raven make toys for themselves, it’s a rare animal behavior. And they often mock and taunt at other creatures for fun.

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