Amazing facts about the Waves

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some amazing facts about waves are as follow:


The transmission of energy in a medium due to the oscillatory motion of the particla of the medium about their mean position is called "wave motion " 

Example :
some common example of waves are following :
1 : sound of school bell 
2 : transmition of radio program from radio station 

Types of waves :
Their are two typpes 

1) Longitudnal Waves

2)Tranverse Wave


Transverse Wave:


The waves in which the vibration of a indiviusal particle medium is prependicular to the direction of propagation of waves are called tranverse waves '



THE waves produces by moving one end of stressed string up and down are also: transverse waves because different parts of a string vibrate prependicular to the direction of  propagation of waves 

Examples :

examples of tranverse waves are following

1) Electromegnatic waves  or  radio waves


3) Television waves

4) Heat and Light waves


Longitudnal Waves :


 The waves in which the particles of medium move about its mean position parallel to the direction of  propagation of waves  are called  Longitudnal Waves.


since in the air molecules are dispersed  forwad and backward on the same axis along the axis which the sound travel.


examples of longitudnal waves are as follow:

1 )Sound waves i-e guitar sound , t.v sound or radio sound


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