American Staffordshire Terrier

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The American Staffordshire Terrier dogs should be courageous, tenacious, friendly, extremely attentive, and extraordinarily devoted.

Bred to be extremely friendly towards humans, American Staffordshire Terriers are not natural guard dogs. An overly protective and/or aggressive behavior, accompanied by fearlessness, is generally a bad sign. These dogs are good with children and owners, can sometimes get along with other dogscats and any other animal if raised properly and introduced through puppy years.

They can be aggressive if not socialized properly. These dogs learn quickly from the subtlest of our behaviors. They are thus not only highly responsive during training, but also pick up good habits, such as house training. This can become a problem when an owner unknowingly allows the dog to pick up bad behaviors. A typical training regimen should begin at 8 to 10 weeks of age.


Name: American Staffordshire Terrier
Origin: North America
Average Size: 48cm (19in)
Average Weight: 22kg (50lbs)
Average Life Span: 12 years
Group: Mastiff
Colour: Black, White, Tan, Brown
Average Litter Size: 6
Temperament: Dominant and stubborn yet loyal
Training: Should be trained from a very early age using assertive techniques and should be intensively socialised with other dogs





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