An Artistic Interpretation of my upcoming short film 'Whatsername'

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A Short Film by Harry Fisher

How do we as individuals, very much in touch with our emotions respond when all of our closest friends have gotten married or have kids deal with the realisation that you have no one? That there’s no one to comfort you when you come back home, no one to discuss your feelings with, no one to hurt you, etc.

This is the burning question raised throughout my film. It’s different with everyone as we are all unique but the majority of people having asked around seem to have built up this preconceived image of who the ideal partner/opposite is for them. Someone they know, when they’ve met them is the one.

I want my audience to reflect upon my character and how it relates to them in a similar kind of way. I want them to feel sympathy for the guy but also take something from it as well such as the fact that they may feel alone at the moment but they’re not the only ones. It’s a common thought and perception that we all have at some stage in our lives.

About the author


There’s something about picking up a camera and having the flexibility to create something entirely original out of nothing, Making something that seems at first glance a little boring or ordinary and transforming it into something extraordinary. It was the ability to mould the shape of reality, create something of…

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