Animations: The World of Metaphors - Film Annex Newsletter

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Happy Weekend!

This week, you get to discover not one but two talented filmmakers. What do they have in common? They make creative animated short films that are already on our list of favorites. Alek Wasilewski is a writer/director who also likes to take photographs and draw comics. Lucky Day Forever, one of his animations, portrays a dystopian society where the people are either living a privileged life of youth, happiness, and parties, or never-ending days of routine and hard work. We'll let you watch and decide which one you would choose, but the obvious answer is not always the best! If you like animations full of sharp colors and dark characters, Alek's world is definitely a place to visit.

Next we have Jonathan NG, a Montreal-based animator, who produced his first short film by the end of his studies while working freelance at movie studios. In Alpha Beta Complex, letters come to life, start communicating with each other, and eventually end up fighting. A metaphor for the world we live in? Find out in Jonathan's blog post where he explains his creative process and inspiration for this story. We are looking forward to seeing Requiem of Romance, a Kung-Fu love story, as well as his latest work, whose trailer looks very promising.

And the 8 top movies this week are:

The girl in the blue dress by Klodian Daja
The rooftop by Daniel James Millar
The secret agent by Alfred Hitchcock
The Tale of Mr Revus by Marius Herzog
The Forgiven by Lawrence Saint-Victor
This Is Ronald by the Vancouver Film School
None of the Above by Daniel Aronson
The Great Mind by Rene Adema

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