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The only problem she had was that she was perfect. No matter how many times I told her she would still not believe the fact that she really was perfect. One didn't have to be gorgeous and wealthy and famous to be called perfect but genuine. God did not create perfection. But He did create ideals. Someone whom you wanted to be like. She was the kind I strived to be. Calling her perfect didn't mean she didn't have flaws, but that the good in her always spoke of her beauty. A woman with angelic eyes and a sparkling soul. In her I found the warmth of a home and the cold of ice. In her I saw memories of a lost love. What I saw was even real than something perfect. I've met a lot of people in my life but this was the first time someone touched my heart this hard. Someone that struck my mind and soul like current. You know what happens when you're inside a dark room and you see a beam of light? 
You focus on the light don't know. In her I've seen that spark that shines brighter than anything that could ever exist. Man could never handle perfection this is why God never created something perfect. But what was created was a woman that was perfect to me. Perfection isn't created but seen. It is found and what I found in her was perfect. Whatever we have is meant to be ours and so it is perfect for us. And in this moment I had her. We all want the perfect little things for us. And she was that little perfect I wanted

About the author


19 navy brat, karachi pakistan , bahrian forever, Real madrid fan, FIFA 15 is love ^_^

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