açores with madeira were already knowned in xiv century

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but the colonization only beguned 600 years ago with portuguese, flemish and jews,at carreira das índias trail, pico the highest mountain in actual portugal coveres with snow at this time of year but in portugal nobody knows, developed with pastel for tinturaria in europa, later the oranges, the tea, the pineaple! in ww ii alies set a base at stªmaría to catch the uboat, here thre´s still a french base and at lajes,terceira, there´s the american base since wwii, nowrdays its dayry country

About the author


graduated in english first certificate by cambridge, art history at u.porto that is the topest portuguese colege and the 100th worldwide!i live at r.manuel luís da costa,155-a, r/c esq., 3700-179 s.joão da madeira, portugal

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