Appreciate WHAT YOU HAVE

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Many of us, don't really appreciate the things that they had,they kept on asking for more,
demanding for more, to the point that they push their self harder just to earn money...

Dreaming big and aiming big is not bad, it only means that you have a better prospective in life.
But you should also learn to value the people that surrounds you,a simple smile of yours to them makes a big
impact to their lives..

During my colleges we do some thesis,our thesis touches the life of the native aetas that lived in the mountain of Zambales..

To be able to make and finish our said thesis we stayed there for a few days,because we have to learn their living,
how are they able to lived everyday,without a single peso on their pocket...
The native aetas manage to survive the everyday life by farming,they plant some root crops,fruit bearing trees,
which they harvested once it has already ripe.

While were doing this thesis me and my friends realized that were lucky because we are able to pursue our studies and we have some money to buy
some stuff that we need in order to survive the every day life...
I salute the aetas because despite of their simple and humble ways of living they manage to survived everyday....

# photo is mine taken after we conducted some health teachings.