Are the youth today facing the same tough challenges our elders faced when they were our age?

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Life is too easy for young people today, they lack challenges and don't have to fight for anything. Many middle aged people believe that today's youths are at an advantage from when they were that age, as they think that young people these days are getting everything without working for it.

However teenagers have to face a lot of challenges at this age as there are a lot of temptations and bad influences in their everyday environment. For example, after leaving secondary school they start college, this is when young, innocent minds are manipulated and corrupted the most. This may not seem challenging for some but sometimes to fit in young people get pressured on to the wrong path, which leads them into a mess, they can neither go back from nor carry on.

Getting an education is not hard in  this day and age as there are many opportunities for the young everywhere. This is the main reason most people think that they have it easy, because in their days, you had to do a lot to gain knowledge. For example, the education in underdeveloped countries is not as high standard as it is in the developed countries, therefore the little knowledge they gained from such schools they treasured as it was very valuable to them.

There are also many stereotypes that affect young people's minds and racial hate that can cause lack of confidence in the child. For example, the stereotype of Muslims being terrorists, when a crime involving a Muslim occurs, then hate for that religion and its followers is shown. The women who wear hijab or face veils are faced with tough challenges, which can cause a person to feel scared and insecure.

Also the stereotypes of all young black boys being a part of a gang, can cause them to get stopped and searched for no reason, but just for the fact that their skin colour is darker and the stereotypes say that they are bad. This causes discomfort and the person will feel that they cannot be proud of who they are as all the stereotypes go against that.

There are a lot of trials youth face these days and although in some ways they have it easy, in most cases they face these tough challenges nearly every day.













































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