Are women really crazy or it’s just an accepted discrimination

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Why it’s unfair to exclusively call women crazy and strong reasons to justify it

Women are often referred to as being crazy and unpredictable, but people seldom think before accepting this as a fact. On the other hand, in similar scenarios, men are often referred to as being passionate, angry or hardheaded which are much softer terms compared to crazy. Women are also famous for being emotional and on the face of it “being emotional” sounds quite innocent, but emotions usually translate into being illogical. If we consider the actual meanings of being crazy and emotional, women are supposed to be unreasonable and illogical beings. But that’s far from the truth as we know it and we should be more careful about completely dismissing people, particularly women. Here are a few things that prove that women are not crazy and why we should start perceiving women as crazy beings:

1. Responding to encouraging messages is not crazy

An anonymous single guy wrote in his 2012’s XOJane Column about his own experiences about dating women including his time with the so-called “crazy woman”. According to him, in his experience, no matter how crazy we call them they still respond positively to men’s actions and words. Jenna Saucers from Jezebel wrote, “[Anonymous] seems to have passed thirty years on this earth, without noticing that when you decide to sleep with someone — especially someone you know for a fact likes you — and then tell them equivocal things about how ‘great’ your date was, it’s not inconceivable that that person could get the idea that you might like them.”


2. The crazy thing is to invalidate someone’s feelings if they make you uncomfortable

The Washington Post’s Harris O’Malley while commenting on this wrote, “It’s the all-purpose argument ender, your girlfriend is upset that you didn’t call when you were going to be late? She’s being irrational. She wants you to spend time with her instead of out with the guys again? She’s being clingy.” Regardless of what she says, the point is that she is not crazy if she likes to spend some time with someone and that makes perfect sense.

3. Are women really that emotional?

According to many scientific studies, we cannot even say with certainty that women are more emotional than men. One of these studies tested around a thousand unmarried adults and concluded that stress related to relationships affect boys more than girls (mentally). Another study concluded that although women are more expressive than men, they still don’t feel more emotional. The opinion of Stephanie Shields (Refinery29) is also similar and concluded, “There is no science that shows women have stronger or more out-of-control feelings than men. In fact, lab research on emotion regulation shows that women tend to be better at it.”


4. Healthcare and Medicine fields also played their role in calling women crazy

The field of Medicine has been calling women “crazy” since a long time without any concrete pieces of evidence and just mere speculations. There have been many theories spread across the field like the wandering womb theory. According to a 2011 report, one of four women today takes medicine for mental health related issues. That’s probably because they tend to seek help more often and at an earlier stage compared to men or they are more prone to crimes like rape and feel insecure. Men also suffer from same mental health issues, but in their own ways. However, they are not generally regarded as crazy while women are. That makes no sense and can even be classified as discriminatory.

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5. Why we still love our favorite “crazy” stars

It looks like that we need to rethink our definition of crazy as we may say without realizing what it actually mean of what “we mean: by it. We still love the so called “crazy entertainers” and never think what the definition of crazy is.

It’s probably the time that we need to rethink about the definition of crazy as many men also fit into its meaning. Either we should stop exclusively calling women crazy or at least do the justice of weighing men on similar scales.



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