Attack Of The Giant Vegetable Monsters

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I just wanted to watch something fun.

While I was compulsively reading coverage of the Connecticut shootings, I got into a heated argument with a friend on my Facebook wall.

I'm for banning the sale, manufacture, distribution, and ownership of guns. My friend, a veteran, is against it.

The argument, as all internet arguments do, turned heated and personal.

I took a walk, and got away from the computer for awhile. It's depressingly rainy and warm. All wrong for the Christmas season. There's something wrong. So terribly wrong.

I found this film. Short. Silly. Animated.

Instead of cheering me up, the attacking vegetables made me think about how terribly we have screwed up our food, our medicine, our relationship with the earth. We screw up our brains with the electronic garbage that we find on these here internets.

Then I got to thinking again about the shooter in Connecticut, and all the messed up streams of input he's been subject to over the course of his life.

I can't even watch a silly little animated film without the outside world turning on me.

I'm currently living on some beautiful farmland about an hour due west of Chicago, and one of the projects we have going is a permaculture farm. We all need to live closer to one another. We all need to live closer to our food. We need to stop leaving these giant footprints on the earth. We need to pay more attention to our children, each and every one of them.

I shouldn't attach such meaning to a silly little animated film.

This is a silly little film, but it rings true. The earth is angry with us. We're angry with each other.

The Mayans may be right, and this may be the week the world ends.

The way I'm feeling this week, that wouldn't be such a terribly bad thing.

About the author


Freelance writer/ actor/ playwright/ novelist.

My personal site is - stop on by.

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