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  Khandia is the tahsil of District kohistan.Due to flood last year the whole road and the land connection is not enough.This incident happened in the middle of the night.A big chuk of snow detached from the glacier.Then it began to shift for ta while it paused.A few second later it began to move down with a crash like an  explosion.its path become wider and wider.It moved towards the village at the foot of the mountain.The houses of the village were covered with the snow.



    The Avalanche leapt upon the snow covered houses like a wild beast.One moment ago the village was safe and sound.The net moment,a great hole dug in it.each and every body cry not body expect that what happened it was very dangerous and difficult night for all the villagers due to flood the land connection not possible for rescue the one way deppend thats by air provide rescue service thats all not possible one this part because the weather are not good,In this huge Avalanche lost more then 50 life's and also damaged all houses of the village and also the agricultural area.

  The local government of District kohistan and also the peoples of Kohistan helped the peoples to reach the injured peoples in hospital as soon as possible..later the provincial government and central government also came and helped the peoples but the international NGOs still do work for the wealfer of that area peoples.