Avocado and Mango Smoothie

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We are living very near to the ice cream parlor, so everyday is a struggle for me :D, whenever I pass their shop, oh my mouth is watering while looking at the very tempting pictures of ice cream outside.  It's not good to have it since I want to lose weight, so to fight my cravings today, I made some smoothies and it satisfied my sweet tooth. This recipe may yield 3 servings.
100 grams avocado
1/2 mango
12 ice cubes
2 drops of sweetener or you can replace this with sugar according to your taste
1/4 cup water
1. Slice the fruits and put in the blender together with the water and sweetener then liquify it until became smooth.
2. Add the ice then blend well until done.
3. Serve as a good refreshing treat :) .


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