Meet my old friend, a fighting fish that I had bought somewhere in Cebu. My boyfriend helped me find on, I had it placed in a bowl and since he is colored blue, I had named him Azule. I had him for more than a year but something had taken him away from me. I didn't know what happened, when I woke up and checked his bowl, he was no where to be found. And from that on, I never had bought any fighting fish anymore
Fighting fish is a lonely kind of fish as the name states, it is fighting anyone who is with him in that bowl or aquarium. I even tried putting a female fighting fish but he killed her. I just noticed the lady fighting fish catching her breath because her fins were already torn by Azule. From that time onwards, I never place any fish inside where Azule was.
But Azule was always active, very fun and I had witness him blooming from a very little fish into a lovely one with his fins and tails becoming bigger and he looked like someone who was wearing a blue dress. I couldn't figure out where I had saved those photos of him when he was already long fins and tails. The photo above I took with my mobile when he was still newly bought.
Have you had any fish pets before?