1. Website
2. Homepage
3. Hyperlink
4. Anchor
5. Image map
6. Frame
7. Table
8. Http
9. Html
10. Webmaster
11. Domain name
12. Url
1. Website a collection of related webpage that we can access electronically is called websites. It contain text graphic sound and videos.. 2. Most website have a starting point called a home page it is a similar book cover or table of content for the site. It provide information about the site purpose and content.
3. A hyperlink is simply part of the text on a web page that when we clicked on will automatically ..
- Take you to a different part of the same pages
- Enable to download. File
4. Anchor is a link of different part of same page
5. Image map is the different part of the same image are linked with different webpages
6. Frame use for divide a webpage into different part.
7. Table iinclude a rows and coloum. For display data.
8. Http is the hyper text transfer protocol use to connect server with woror wide web..
9. Html is stand for hyper text markup language this language use to design webpage.
10. webmaster is a person who developed and maintain websites.
11. Isp is a internet service provider.companies provide internet connection