Beauty Posted on 02 April 2015 at 03:00 Beauty can not be measured with any standard everybody has their own definition for it. According to some beauty is in the eye of beholder, in nature,in man made world, in the eyes of beloved, in the smile of a new born child, in the mischeives of kids, in the innocence of a learners mistakes, its very difficult to quantify it. But over a passage of time for some beauty's standard has shrinked to fair skin which is quite inappropriate. Measuring beauty according to the skin color is a saddening phenomena and inferiorating for a large sum. Those who don't have a fair skin are in the race of having it by hook or crook but this is how media plays its role by manipulating people's minds making them believe how a fair skin has all the rights to be certified as beautiful. Mentioned earlier beauty is in the eye of beholder those in whom concrete beliefs are absent can easily be manipulated by whatever informaion is being put in their mind resulting in having no strong vision of their own. Beauty is at the inside of a person but alas we are so busy looking at the made over personality with material products that we are forgetting the true values and standards of it. We need to overcome these unacceptable Cultures that make one superior and other inferior on the basis of their skin color after all what is awareness made for?