Behind the man

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We keep saying coldly boy, but did anyone really feel for what they want to hide. They are sure weak cry, they smile back saying that they indifferent.

Have you ever accepted just stand in the back, ready to embrace and cherishes what they're thinking? Have you ever accepted after them, to forgive the reason the other stubborn and reluctant?

Behind his back the other cold, not just the mind like a girl accidentally thought. Behind it is the emotion, feeling bitter choking are not allowed to express only.

Behind a guy, sometimes the tears would have fallen long ago but was forced to suppress. There is an imagined when he could not name bury the past month, and day.

Behind a guy, is repressed nostalgia, regret is that not allowed to speak out because of the lofty dignity. As well as memories of mercy, injuries pile, deep hollows as only daughter.

Behind a guy, is trying to please these months, strained smile just to prove that you're okay. As the pace of life seemed to change nothing to prove that he is very ordinary.

Behind a guy, the one that his gong, long breaths poured out surreptitiously. As the tired, desperate to know only the local vo then swallow.

Behind a boy, is forced to bring strong. As the load silently cried a second gong was not tired.

Never blame the boys cold, heartless, meaningless. The boy also need someone who understands, what they are thinking!

They also need to be pampered, coddled, also need to be stroked, soothed. They also need to be loved, and kept ...

About the author


I'm Minh. I come from Hanoi, Vietnam. Nice to meet you

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