Beijing Subway Overcrowded on First Day of Traffic Control

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Beijing subway stations are crowded with people on Thursday, the first day of the city’s scheduled traffic control that will last until September 3.
The odd-even registration plate system means that cars will only be allowed to drive on the city's roads on alternating days between 3 a.m. and midnight.
Around 80 percent of official business vehicles will also be affected by the traffic ban.
The capital city is hosting two big events over the next few weeks, the IAAF track and field World Championships, from Aug. 22 to 30, and the World War II victory parade, on Sept. 3.
Between Aug. 20 and Sept. 3, Beijing also banned small flying aircrafts, including drones, model airplanes, unmanned balloons, gliders, among others.

People's Daily, China's photo.
People's Daily, China's photo.
People's Daily, China's photo.

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