Benefits of Pray

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Personal Benefits

  That benefits which provides us many knowledge for our personal life.

  • Punctuality
  • Sense of duty and responsibility
  • Character building
  • Training in self-discipline
  • Self control
  • Patient and perseverance
  • Efficiency
  • Humanity


Physical Benefits

   That benefits that provides us knowledge for our physical state.

  • Cleanliness
  • Cleaning of teeth
  • Bathing
  • Wearing clean clothes


Social Benefits

    That benefits which gives us knowledge about community.

  • Social organization
  • Masjids as a community center
  • Mutual help and co-operation
  • Tolerance
  • Equality and brotherhood
  • Unity

Pray has the same position as the position of head in the body. Pray is the most beneficial factor for us to keep away ourselves away from sins and bad work. One must obey the following rules for his own self which is given above for his successful life.

Pray has other name i.e; Namaz One who recite the Holy Quran daily, everyday in his life becomes happiest. We should not hurt the people by our actions. If we have a power to do help. We say prayer five times daily. When we pray Namaz-e-Fajar then our day passes so comfortable and our mood remains good and we have done best dealings with people for the purpose of his benefits.  

Our faith will be superb if we have done five prayers. After   say prayer then we do Dua for our successful life. Finally, God listen our wishes and gives us results of them.

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