Benefits of Wetlands (Part 3)

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Benefits of wetlands

Wetlands has greater importance for all species which lies on earth. Today, I want to share so the benefits of wetlands and you people know its importance. Wetlands are  not located in all countries, those countries contain wetlands has greater importance for its biodiversity and its ecology.

  • Wetlands are very important to the maintain the environment of the world. 
  • It provides habitat not  only for permanent species, but also for migrated species.
  • They provide the habitat for endangered species of plants and animals like tortoise, reptiles.
  • Wetlands are also used for  the management of different waste.
  • They help to protect the land, homes and crops from flooding because the rainy season they absorbed a lot of water.
  • During the dry seasons, they give water back to the rivers, oceans, streams.
  • They have the ability to store many kinds of pollutant which comes from the environment.
  • They support the living things
  • They maintain the biodiversity of different species.

About the author


I am film annex Member , and i work for my own.

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