What Is Bermuda Triangle ?
Is it a Magic Triangle?
Everyone is looking to know the mystery of Bermuda Triangle. Thousands of ships and planes have been removed from this map of world after entering the trap of Bermuda triangle but point is that Is there any community living under Bermuda triangle in the sea those trap the ships and aero planes by their huge power ? and are using all of this for their useful purpose under the sea. If you think like that then science says that you are joking because neither of signs of another creation have been detected beneath the sea. Most important of all of this is to that there are no human errors neither equipment failures nor no even natural disasters.
One thing must be known in order to get the thorough knowledge of Bermuda triangle is that Where it is located ? How much area it covered ? I there any map on which Bermuda triangle exists ? And what happen when you cross the line of Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Trianlge is located off the South-Eastern coast of the United states and in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the triangle are MIAMI that is located in Florida second is SAN JUAN that is in Puerto Rico and third one is in BERMUDA that is in a north-Atlantic island.
Another amazing information is that many believes that Devil is playing there and that’s why this area is also called as Devil’s Triangle. According to science take a look at the facts that are far from these false stories or believed to be true. There are many stories and mythologies created through pure imagination by writers who have used them violently to give promotional to their books.
In many cases, reality gets blurred and by zooming into the situation image gets further blurred. I am writing on this topic because of its importance to science so up to this level of knowledge every one have and may be deeper then this. I have been digging deep into the accidents taken place in this area and analyzing the facts and evidences. I will explain Bermuda triangle to a reality up till now and my thoughts about it as a Mechanical Engineer. So let’s start discuss it deeply in my upcoming Blogs.