Best case study we have heard about Nuclear Power in a long time

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The Environmentally Friendly Case for Nuclear Power

May 22nd, 2015

Nuclear Power Plants and Eugenics

There is a stigma behind nuclear power. There is an unfounded amount of speculation and concern over the risk involved in operating a nuclear power plant. The same inherent risk and probability of catastrophic incidents resulting from other, non-renewable energy sources is much higher than a nuclear power event, however the media’s portrayal of such incidents has made the public far more wary of this energy source than say, coal, or wind energy.

Professor Zach Tetreault of Columbia University makes the case for nuclear energy with a startling new viewpoint: Eugenics.

In his report entitled “Selective Site Appointment Makes for a Greener United States,” Professor Tetreault outlines what he calls the “train track effect.” In impoverished areas, the area directly surrounding train tracks tends to be the most dangerous and statistically filled with the highest concentration of violent offenders. Although this was not intentionally designed, there has been little effort to revitalize these areas. In the event of a freight derailment, or an explosion with a high loss of life, these communities see a drop-off of about 25% in violent crimes such as rape, assault and murder. In addition, they see 10-18% (based on region) less drug trafficking in the respective areas.

“These numbers are staggering,” Professor Tetreault explains in his report, “we are faced with the opportunity to offer localized municipalities renewable energy with such little environmental impact. And going forward, if we were to present these communities with something that could raise the quality of life for the middle and upper middle class, while offering the potential to lower crime and drug trafficking in the event of a core meltdown, I think we’d see these plants pop up in every major city.” Tetreault goes on to outline all of the benefits and efficiencies of nuclear power.

The US generates roughly 110 million tons of coal ash per year with a capacity factor in coal power plants of about 65%. Nuclear power does not generate any waste but a simple bit of water vapor and operates at a capacity factor of about 90%. Wind turbines are attributed to deaths of about 100,000 birds per year, and turbine malfunctions claimed 96 US lives in 2013 alone.

“Aside from Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima, there have been zero incidents involving anything negative and nuclear reactors” Tetreault finishes his report, “this current day form of natural selection and efficiency is in my opinion the absolute best thing that could happen to this country. I think it’s a matter of time until places like Harlem and Detroit decide to better the environment and potentially eradicate their rampant criminal activities.

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