Beware and Be aware

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Beware! Nowadays, people flatter people with false promises. This is common in the wide open yet a lot still fall with this. Why? Most false promises come from people we believe and trust.

Be careful of whom you are telling your secrets. Sometimes, secrets known to no one is far better.

(photo credit: google)


Beware! Not all who call you a friend is a friend. Some of them know you only when they need you.

Beware! Not everyone who smiles at you are kind. Some are actually laughing behind your back.

Beware to those who say they will pray for you. Most of them don't actually pray.(unknown). Pray for yourself and if you can, pray for other as well.

(photo credit: Google)


These are common and they happen, happened and will happen to most of us if not all. I keep reminding myself and others. Repeated reminders irritates us but somehow it helps to wake us up.



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