Introduction About BitLander's WEB TV Channels
Basically web tv require the internet connection first . because this tv is not valoid where internet is not there.
Web TV produced the films movies and certain other thing that we usually see at the simple TV.
Plus points of WEB TV
WEB TV mostly has option which are the under the control of the user by which we can rate easy and suggest them various things.Rating make impact on that LIVE channel by which there earning may decrease or increase. However Bitlander has its own WEB TV channels, many channels works under the bit lander . they follow the rules of the bitlander by which they can target big and big.
List of channels that work under the bitlander
The channels that works under the bitlander are the sub channels of the bitlander. some how they are dependent on this site.
1) Animaty
2) stories of the web
3) comediaty
4) sportivy
5) Bravame
6) Classimatic
7) Documentaty
Sports Channels
sports channels are also here that presents usually the sport type of match like cricket, footbal. and snooker etc. all type of sports matches are here live as well as the recorded