Bitcoin: Grow your money 15-25% Monthly

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Is your money sleeping in the bank?

Why don't you invest your money and let it grow instead of just keeping it in Banks! :)

Grow your hard earned money 15-25% monthly!

But first, let us have a quick overview of what you are investing..

Bitcoin has become widely known since its breakthrough last 2009.


(1 Bitcoin converted in Philippine Peso as of 12:20pm March 13, 2017)


Last 2009, One (1) Bitcoin (btc) was equivalent to $0.01. Bitcoin's value rises and falls in its corresponding value but is steadily rising as a prospect substitute for paper money.

Today (March 13, 2017):


It simply means, the cryptocurrency bitcoin becomes a very good investment for people who wants to invest without doing anything..

To those who are not aware of what bitcoin is, here's a link for your information:

Because of bitcoin's emerging value, many are enthusiastic enough to create trading platform that will use bitcoin's technology to invest and earn. One legit website/company where we can invest bitcoin and ethereum (new cryptocurrency with equivalent US dollar value) can be found here:

Ethtrade is a fast rising investment site where you put your hard-earned bitcoin and let it grow 15-25% monthly. They use your investment in trading other fiats and cryptocurrency to earn more. Whatever profit the company receives will be divided equally to investors (by percentage, depending on their amount of investment).

The company has a lot of good feedback. Investors receives their ROI in just 6 months. The company also has an investment feature called "auto-reinvest", meaning, your earning daily will be compounded the next day for higher returns.

This is a sample screenshot of the account in Ethtrade:



As you can see, there's a profit calculator where you can more or less know how much you will be earning.

This is the profile of the company:


Below is the sample screenshot of accruals (daily profit):


The accrual you see is the profit earned in one day. The trading closed at 0.91%, which also gives your investment 0.91% profit for that day. (No trading on weekends and Holidays/ The 4 day portfolio period you see includes Saturday and Sunday/ the account was created last Thursday/ Today is Monday and the trading ends at 12:00am so the second day profit has not yet reflected until tomorrow). In short, in just one day, your investment may grow from 0.50%-1% daily.


The screenshots below shows the investment scheme and how they operate:






The above figure shows the calendar of earnings from Monday to Friday. The company is very transparent in their earnings.

Everyone can join provided they have bitcoin wallets where their earning can be sent to.

In the Philippines, the most widely used bitcoin wallet that can convert bitcoins into peso is

You need to register here: and get verified. You need to get verified to avoid fraud and identity theft. After you are through with their verification process, you can get free bitcoin worth Php 50.00 as your starting.

If you wanted to earn and let your money grow, you only need to decide to take the risk now.

A lot has earned in and is still paying its investors.

Here are sample screenshots of their earnings:

(Credit to owners of accounts)





So what are you waiting for? Register now!

To create bitcoin wallet, register and get verified here:

To start investing, register here:

Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it. ~Chinese proverb


More questions? contact me at here :)




About the author


NiCknAme : JALOU . Ü
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