Hello Friends today morning, I got a call from one of my friend who is also an active user in FilmAnnex, he says that suddenly from today morning that 1st of July, he sees that revenue is showing as ฿ 0.00000. It was a shock to him, I immediately logged in to see that for me its showing ฿ -0.0234, I was in shock too.
I had a brief chat on this with one of the oldest members of Film Annex and they said not to worry as because as on the beginning of every month, Film Annex's systems calculates the monthly revenues for all the users. So, it may take a few hours for the result to get updated.
Since morning I got some more calls from some more of my friends in Film Annex. So, please be patient, very soon you will get to see your actual revenues.
For my case, I can see the correct revenue now, others who are still not able to view the same, will see soon.
This is the scenario which will happen every time during the start of the month, so don't panic.