Bitlanders Do's and Dont's : A Simplified Guide

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Image Credits Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders

Bitlanders has already proven its credibility and it is still growing and becoming more and more popular each day. With my two months of actively participating with the site through writing, posting videos and photos and interaction with other members, I already experienced the great benefits a member can get from the site.  In fact, anybody can earn a considerable amount by simply being active and with proper strategies applied. 

Every day, a number of new members are joining Bitlanders because of the good things they can read all over the internet regarding the many advantages of joining the site. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of those who joined can fully comprehend how the site works and how they can get the most out of it. 

Learn more about the Bitlanders' Buzz and Reward System.

Being an active member of the site, I can see many members who are not following the rules. An example of this is the quite a large number of members who are continuously soliciting for buzz and subs in their microblog posts and comments. When we join the site, we agreed on the terms which contain the list of rules and prohibited acts in Bitlanders. Please be reminded that violating the rules can cause for the suspension and/or termination of the account. 

I decided to write this simplified guide hoping to help those who are still confused with the rules and guidelines or has no idea where they could find it. Please be noted that these items were taken from the Terms of Service (TOS), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and other relevant posts which were previously approved. 

It is understandable if a new member would find it confusing after registration. It is just like going to a new place for the first time. Most often we get lost especially if no one is available to guide us. Sometimes, we also learn but it usually takes longer and we commit a lot of mistakes. The most depressing part is when we lost our account faster than we learn because we failed to follow the rules.

Allow me to guide you. Please take time to read so as not to compromise your account. 


Opening an account


Image Credits: Catkin via Pixabay


  • <>DON'T open an account if you are below 13 years old.
  • <>You may open an account if you are 13 years old but less than 18 years old with parents consent
  • <>DON't  create more than one account. You are not allowed to create multiple accounts as stated in the FAQS.


Using the Microblog


Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders


  • <>DON'T ask for SUBs and/or BUZZ

One of the most common mistakes of Bitlanders' members, especially the new ones and sometimes even the old members, is using the microblog system to ask for "sub and/or buzz." Please be informed that this is prohibited as per an update posted 2 years back. This may lead to *suspension or worst, *termination of your account. Any user who spams with that type of "buzz/sub" requests both in the comments and the chat will be suspended from bitLanders and won't be able to log in or collect any Reward for that time period.

  • <>DON'T post any content that may bring harm to others and for any unlawful purpose. 
  • <>DON'T post any content that violates legal rights (copyrights, trademarks. propriety rights, etc.)
  • <>DONT post any threatening, defamatory speech, sexually explicit contents and posts that would humiliate or bring shame to other races, groups, religions, etc.
  • <>We should always observe courtesy so as to have a harmonious relationship with our fellow members. 


Using the Chat Box


Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders


We are fortunate to have this feature in Bitlanders. We can ask for help in the Global Chat or we can have a person-to-person conversation with any member of our choice. However, please do take note that we have to follow certain rules for the use of this feature. Please be guided accordingly.

  • <>DON'T use language other than English in the Chat. You can use the private chat if you wish to have a conversation in your own language. 


"Users who will use another language on the Public Chat will be muted for a specific amount of time. This will allow us to monitor the Public Chat more efficiently and encourage conversations."

Source: The Public Chat becomes English-only


  • <>DON'T ask for subs and/or buzz. Same with microblogs, we are also prohibited from spamming the Public chat with subs and/or buzz requests.
  • <>DON'T post chat message that may bring harm to other members such as defamatory speeches and the likes


Submitting Contents

=Blog Posts/Videos/Galleries=

  • <>As a general rule, we should submit original contents. It is strictly prohibited to submit plagiarized contents. Stealing other people's work, idea or expressions is the biggest mistake one can do on the online platform. Bitlanders will not give us a second chance if we commit this mistake. So please take note of this. Even those contents we previously submitted in other platforms or on our own blog sites will not be considered original content. Read more about this on  "Content Review" feature - What is it and how do I use it to increase my Buzz Score?

Any user who publishes a blog post copied from the web (even partially) or with scrambled (nonsense) text will get banned right away permanently.

Source: "Content Review" feature - What is it and how do I use it to increase my Buzz Score?

  • <>DON'T submit blog posts in language other than English
  • <>DON'T post contents with prohibited topics. Please refer to Terms Of Service for more information.



One of the features related to posting contents in Bitlanders is giving other members a chance to give out comments on a particular post. Members should use this option to give related comments, appreciation or questions in such a way that could benefit them and other members. However, there are some members who are using this feature to ask for subs and buzz or for some other reasons that are not related in any way to the content of the post. 

  • DON'T post comments that have no relevance in any way to the posted content. 
  • DON'T spam comments sections with request for sub and/or buzz 


Learn more about plagiarism from this video:

Video Credits: WriteCheckVideos via YouTube 



Additional Video about plagiarism that we need to know:

Video Credits: Brock Library via YouTube


Submitting Personal Details

 When creating your account, you should provide true, accurate, complete and up-to-date information. This will prevent you from encountering problems when your request for payment.  Please be noted that providing fake ID and documents may result in account suspension and termination. Source: FAQS

Additional Notes

Suspension, as used in this post, refers to a prohibition on the participation of a particular member in certain features of the site.

Termination refers to complete deactivation of account.


 Final Thought:

I hope these simple guide could help other members in one way or another as we continue our journey with Bitlanders. Learning about the rules will help us gain a more favorable experience with any site. I wish everyone to be successful with Bitlanders!





Written for Bitlanders:

by: Sharon Lopez


Thank you for reading!

Please visit my blog for more posts


About the author


Hey guys! You can still reach me via my Facebook Page, the LeaderBoard. Message me if you need more ways to earn online. Thank you.

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