BitLanders Leaderboard

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BitLanders had released the "Leaderboard" update when they changed the background-theme of the site. The Leaderboard can be accessed by clicking on the "Gear" Icon at the top left corner. A drop-down options will be shown and on the first list is the link to the Leaderboard page.

The Leaderboard consists of the top 50 active members of BitLanders which is rated according to their "Buzz Scores".

When I visited the Leaderboard, I was surprised to see that I ranked at number 33. This is very surprising because I just recently "joined 2 weeks ago". If you can take a close-look, I have the least numbers of subscribers.

Moreover, the list of active members on the Leaderboard offers a good opportunity for the new members to subscribe.

About the author


I am a person who loves to interact with various online social communities.

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