Ohlala! A great day to everyone!
You know what, I was just absent for a day and Bitlanders had already changed a lot of things. Don't get me wrong but this is for the better and I find it really good. See, when I logged in this morning, someone surprised me! Guess who? Yeah I know you know who that person is, it was Miss Hillary! Thank God my previous blogs are now being reviewed finally!
But that is not what this blog is all about but it is regarding those obvious change you can see once you get into the site. So far these two are the ones I have discovered, maybe bitlanders still has something more for us which I have not noticed yet.
First is the interface.
Yes it is now a three column interface and I like that. Well, most of the websites though are using that kind of lay out for certain reasons which I do't have any idea but it is really nice, it's cool that the advertisement is right there but I have a better idea, I believe it will be better if the advertisement is floating in the right area of the page, which means, whenever we scroll down the page, it will just stay on the right hand side, it will fill the empty space of the page and I believe the advertisers would love seeing that. Well, this is just another suggestion I am giving.
Second is the Questbox.
Just tried it today (2/4/15) and received one buzz:
And after I get the buzz, here's a congratulations page from mr. bitlanders: