In another classroom of the Army Public School in the heart of the most dangerous city in Pakistan, a teenage student named simply as Khan was also getting down to work when, as he later recalled: “Someone screamed at us to get down and hide below the desks.” Within seconds the gunmen were among them. “They shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ [‘God is great’] before opening fire. I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me. This guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the benches. ‘There are so many children hiding beneath the benches, go get them,’ one of the men ordered another,” Khan said.
The black boots came towards him and Khan was shot in both legs below the knee. “I felt searing pain,” he said. “I folded my tie and pushed it into my mouth so that I wouldn’t scream. The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping bullets into their bodies. I lay as still as I could and closed my eyes, waiting to be shot again. My body was shivering. I saw death so close. I will never forget the black boots approaching me – I felt as though it was death that was approaching me.”
He waited until the men left then realised he couldn’t walk then crawled to the next room where he saw the burnt body of the school office assistant. He crawled behind a door to hide and lost consciousness.
Another student, 15-year-old Shahrukh Khan, was also shot in both legs but survived by hiding under a bench. “One of my teachers was crying,” he said from hospital. “She had been shot in the hand and was crying in pain. One terrorist then walked up to her and started shooting her until she stopped making any sound. All around me my friends were lying injured and dead.”
Pakistan has lived with terrorist outrages for years, but the scale and cold-bloodedness of this latest attack resonated around the country.
The Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, flew to Peshawar to monitor the operation.
Announcing three days of national mourning, he said: “This was a national tragedy, unleashed by savages. No one should be in any doubt: this struggle, this war will continue. The government started the anti-terrorist operation in conjunction with the army and it’s now showing results. It will continue until terrorism is rooted out from this land. I appeal to the nation to show unity at this critical juncture. No one should have doubts about our determination to fight terrorism. We will take revenge for each and every drop of our children’s blood that was spilled today.”
Responsibility for the attack was quickly claimed by Tehreek-e-Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban, whose strongholds in North Waziristan, close to the Afghan border, have been under sustained assault by the Pakistani army since June. In that time at least 1,200 suspected militants are said to have been killed. The spokesman for the group, Muhammad Umar Khorasani, said: “We selected the army school for the attack because the government is targeting our families and females. We want them to feel the pain.”
Malala Yousafzai : 'I condemn these atrocious and cowardly acts' (Getty)
Tehreek-e-Taliban was formed as a result of the siege of a mosque in the Pakistani capital Islamabad in 2007, which ended in a bloody assault by the army. Thirteen militant groups united to create the new formation, their goals being resistance to the Pakistani state, imposition of sharia and a plan to unite against Nato forces in Afghanistan – though the great majority of their attacks have been confined to Pakistani soil.
Like the original Afghan Taliban, its membership is predominantly Pashtun, and its roots are in the fiercely independent Pashtun tribal areas in the lawless border lands between Pakistan and Afghanistan. But it is not directly affiliated to the Afghan Taliban.
In the past year it has been damaged not only by the Pakistani army’s campaign, but also by internal splits. Following the deaths of its first two leaders, its present chief is Maulana Fazlullah, known as Maulana Radio because of his nightly broadcasts to the Swat Valley – the former home to Malala Yousafzai and her family, and a stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban until it was brutally flushed out by the army in 2011.
Reaction: ‘This is a perversion’
“I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold-blooded act of terror in Peshawar that is unfolding before us. Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this… but we will never be defeated.” Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai
“The killing of innocent children is contrary to Islam.” Afghanistan’s President, Ashraf Ghani
“There is not a belief system in the world that can justify such an act. I think what this shows is the worldwide threat that is posed by this poisonous ideology of extremist Islamist terrorism. It is nothing to do with one of the world’s great religions – Islam, which is a religion of peace. This is a perversion.” David Cameron
“The news has shaken me deeply. The hostage taking and murder of children and youth is barbarity that cannot be surpassed.” Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel
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