
Posted on at

John just downloaded Blastoo an exclusive guide on XYZ” or “John just registered for a webinar about XYZ”. Underneath, there will be a big image, a title and a description. You have total control over all these elements of course. This is what makes the stats shown so far through the over 700 testers possible.

5. Now comes what I can social media alchemy: In your dashboard, you can see how opted in but also the actual Urls of the stories posted by people who opted in. You can click on the link and go to that story and actually post comments and interact with people who commented underneath it. This is an insane opportunity to connect with people and get inside their heads. You can use this to gather feedback and answer to objections. And generally speaking, you can use this feature to connect with your audience and establish a more personal connection. And that’s worth the world in social media marketing.

Does it work?

I learned the hard way that there is a gap often a huge Blastoo one between what a product is meant to do and what it can actually do… especially when it comes to software. Most software solutions in the internet marketing sphere are coded by amateurs which results in slow buggy unprofessional end products.

Blastoo review



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