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What I like photography is the endless possibility you can do with it. It's constantly evolving. With the help of technology, the possibility even increased exponentially.
Conversely, what I like about my friends is that they are crazy and has crazy whims. The good thing about me: I ride along with those craziness and they ride along with mine.
So, combining those two? Photoshoot session in an instant.
There will always be willing friends to model for you for free. That's what happened last weekend. Me and my friends had a fun and windy shoot. Also, I am in search for a new location for good photoshoots I can go to with future clients.
However, the place we went to had been privatized and it wasn't as what I was expecting. I always believe in working with that you have and make the best out of it. So that's what we did. Took some shots. I am hoping today we will be "hunting" for other possible locations to shoot.
All photos are mine. MHUA: Model