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Blogging is the act of posting something to a blog: an online journal. Blogs are widely used to publically get the thoughts in your mind, out for everyone to see. Blogging can be tremendously stress relieving, and serve many purposes.

  • Beliefs- Bloggers use their blogs to publish what they believe in or do not believe in; such as, politics or religion.
  • Questions- Bloggers use their blogs for publically asking a question they want a diverse answer to. Every person will answer their question differently, so their question will be satisfied by many different opinions.
  • Personal experiences- Other bloggers use their blogs to post personal experiences and things that have happened. The point being, to have their experiences become public knowledge.
  • Business- Businesses have blogs to post changes and promotions that their business is offering.

Blogging is popular because you don’t have to know HTML codes to post something on the internet. Blogging is easy, effective and growing more popular by the day. You can also link your blogs to your social networking sites; this can generate more hits on your blog. As we all know, the more hits on your blog the more popular it is.

Blogs are just another way to get your name out there. Using them to promote you and/or your business helps generate popularity.  Blogging is also free; free is always good, right. So a free, effective way to get noticed on the internet, sounds to good to be true; but it’s not. My advice, find a blogging site and get to it. 


About the author


My name is Caitlyn Kellett. I am 23 years old and the mother of two kids.

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