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the most extreme sport ever is BODY BUILDING , that hard sport which eventually leads to a healthy , fit and strong body .

it's just the moment when you start going to gym and see some results in your body even if u were thin , after that you will not stop exercising again may be be for the rest of yo life , certainly some times you have to : like exams times and if you are ill or some times like that .


Legends of The Game :

to know about the legends of the game you need first to know about the most valuable  title of the game which is MR.OLYMPIA .

MR.OLYMPIA is the title awarded to the greatest Body Builder in the world , the first MR.OLYMPA competition was held on september 18 , 1965 and the title's first winner was Larry Scott .

this title was basically made by Joe Weider as an annual competition .

back to Legends of the Game and they are the most people who held this title :

the world record holding the title is 8 times , and it's made by Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney .

other MR.OLYPMIA winners who gave their lives to the game Body Builders like : Jay Cutler , Dexter Jackson , Dorian Yates and most importantly Arnold Schwarzenegger , this man has made every sacrifice possible to serve this game he was like an experiments field to any new supplement , except for that man this game wouldn't be that much popular .

Jay Cutler and Dexter Jackson 

Arnold Schwarzenegger

and the last winner and the holder of the title right now is Phill Heath , the great machine who turned from being a basketball player to MR.OLYMPIA winner .

Phill Heath

ways to go through inside the gym :

First : Aerobics : it's that exercise that combines between  Body Stretching and Strengthening .

it's some great exercise that keeps body fit and healthy like push ups .

personally I call the resulted muscle from Aerobics " A muscle for life " , because it results after great efforts so , it stays for a long long time .

Second : Normal Training : it's all about going to the gym and do 3 main things ( exercising well and right - eating like an animal - having enough hours of sleeping ) , doing those 3 things for 4 - 6 consecutive months , you will reach a good fit form of body and of course it differs from body to another , it depends on the body capability to gain weight .

most important thing to care about if you are a beginner is how you exercise not how how much you lift , so never get frustrated in the beginning if you lift light weights .


Third : Supplements : it's some kind of complementing element that makes you gain weight faster than normal way and lift more weights and have more stamina .

many people have that horror background of supplements especially mothers  as they think : supplements are harmful , supplements kill ... etc. , absolutely , supplements as I said before are just complementing elements , and the most harmful thing they could do is just some normal side effects like : Headache , Diarrhea and Tachycardia and nothing more .

Fourth : Injection : is the fastest way ever to gain weight and make a wonderful body form in a very short time but this is the thing which really kills .

any over dose of these things leads to death directly as well as it harms men's Masculinity .

these things like the Growth Hormone which is also know as GH , Synthol Injections , Steroids and the B12 Vitamine but B12 is not harmful at all as it doesn't have the same influence on body  like the GH .

hope you enjoy reading the Blog and get some information of it .

note : be aware of any wrong use of supplements and never try to use injection .

written by : Mohamed Mostafa



About the author


20 years old guy was born in 1993 from Cairo and studying at faculty of commerce English section Cairo university and interested in the online jobs widely .

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